Spring Wedding Cake Collection 2013

In spring cake theme the cakes are in round shapes and awesome design on it. In this theme the cake are décor with flower, sugar flower, cream work and cake topper. These cakes are in natural colors.  White three portion cake is complete with sky ribbon and brown chocolate design on it flower work. And the pink sugar flowers add the beauty in it. Four portion cakes are in double shade cream color and the flower bunch is use as cake topper.  Pearl on the round side of cakes is décor with original flowers on the one side and one is the simple. Four portion cake is stand by the with candle type antique pieces. And it complete by multi color flower on it all around.  Red, white and green artificial flowers are look attractive on simple three section cakes. The flowers texture on golden cram cake is resemble from the flower painting. Grey pearls are attached very beautifully on double cake and the grey sugar flowers seem outstanding. Golden sequence work on white cake and flower bunch on it give the impression of being exceptional. Pink flowers cake is in a mountain shape and a pink ribbon tie on the bottom of the lower part. Yellow cake in four pieces and the cake topper is a hut on it gives the impression to be a real hut on the top of hill.

Topic: spring wedding cake
Color: natural
Material: cream, flowers and cake topper
Perfect for: wedding cake.

Spring Wedding Cake 2013 (14)

Spring Wedding Cake 2013 (13)

Spring Wedding Cake 2013 (12)