2 tier wedding cakes are in double portion. It is in so many shapes: round and square. In these cakes use the cream, flowers and toppers. The square double cake is décor with sugar flowers on the top and the round of the cake.
The other puffy cake is in a different way of preparation. And the antique model on the top looks interesting. White simple double cake is décor with yellow garnish coconut, white and yellow flower are awesome on it.
Black ribbon knot on the cake and red roses on the top as cake topper seem lovely. The glass decorate in the center of two cakes appear stunning. Off white cake is complete with brown chocolate lyre on it. Peach artificial flowers on the top of cake are stunning with pink ribbon. White double cake is with embossing work on it. Dark brown chocolate cake is finishing by original lily flowers. White cake is décor with black flower and pearl on it’s around. Peach sugar buds are on the peach cream cake is exceptional. Pink and yellow cream is décor on white cake and pink flower on the top of the cake is awesome.
Chocolate made flowers are attached on the simple cake is seem tremendous.
Topic: 2 tier cake
Material: cream, flowers and cake topper
Perfect for: wedding cake.