Wedding Garters 2013 Collection

Garters are the leg décor accessory. These are made with silk stuff and elastic. Motifs and beads are use on it to embellish it. These are in different color and styles.
The elastic in blue silk and a ribbon bend on it look awesome. White trimming work on garter and stone are stunning on bridal dress. The net laces on the garters are outstanding. Grey and white garters are made by silver flower work.
Butterfly bow on it give the impression of being extraordinary.
White and blue pearl work on it seems gorgeous on wedding day. Usually this accessory is use in short gowns and prom dresses. The floral work on it gives it a simple look.
Laces work on it made it attractive. White net uses in the garter and silver brooch décor it. Heavy compose fancy stone work on it make it eye-catching.
The wide ribbon is use with other color look awesome. White and pink is a good contra of it. White and brown ribbon is giving it a different style.

Topic: Wedding Garters 2013 collection
Stuff: silk and flexible
Material: elastic, beads and brooch
Perfect for: bridal wear

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