The cake topper is making the cake beautiful and attractive. These cake toppers are giving an importance to the wedding table. The flowers are also use in decorate the cake in different style.
These flowers are in real and artificial material. These flowers are in natural colors like: red, purple, peach, pink, white, yellow and so more.
Purple flowers are décor the four portion cake in different style. Peach flower bunch is seemed outstanding on peach cream cake. Light green flowers are on the top of the cake.
Red, pink and maroon flowers are décor the three shades of cake.
Peach flower brooch is stunning on the cake. Square four portion cake is embellishing very beautifully with multi color flower on it and on the table also. The round three portion cake is in white cream and decoration pink and white original flowers.
Red and white roses are looking awesome on the double fraction cake. Pink and white flower gathering is awesome on cake. Red flower bouquet is seemed interesting on it.
Four portion cakes is design with cream and green and white flowers on the cake boundary.
Yellow sun flower is seemed to be very simple and classy. Lily flower is a sugar flower cake topper. Heart shape cake is decorated with artificial flowers.
White flower made by caramels and love to see on the caramel cake.
Topic: cake decoration
Material: flowers
Color: natural
Design: natural and artificial
Perfect for: wedding cakes