Various Color Scheme Dresses B y Anna Sui

“Anna Sui” is a name of elegance & Styliness in this world of glamour & fashion. Her way of designing is very astonishing & surprising. The significant point about her collection is the depiction of style & culture.

This great personality came in this world at the date of 4th August, 1964. She belongs from America (Michigan). She has a great fond of fashion designing that’s why she chooses this profession as her future occupation. She is among the very successful Designers.

See the pictures of short dresses collection by the Anna Sui. This collection takes you into the world of glamour. Models are always rock on the ramp when wears outfits designed by the Anna Sui. This collection consists on short & ready-to-wear dresses. The prints are fabulous. While some knee length size garments with embroidery are also increasing the beauty of this collection. Some small size dresses are sleeveless while some are with half sleeves. Garments are perfect for formal wear as well as informal wear. Various Color schemes can be seen in this collection.

Topic: Women’s Apparel Collection
Size of Outfit: Small or Knee Length
Designer: Anna Sui
Date of Birth: 4th August
Gender: Female
Occupation: Designing


stylish anna sui dress collection