Different Types of Red Roses Bouquet for Wedding

A bouquet is an attractive bunch of flowers, specially one present as a gift or carried at ceremony. A group of cut flowers that you hold together and a collection of flowers cut and tied together in an attractive way is called a bouquet. Red rose is a beautiful flower and considered the symbol of love and romance. The classic red rose is often the best choice for expressing your deepest affection for that special someone, whether you send a single red rose or a grand bouquet of ravishing reds, surprise your one and only for a romantic occasion. Red rose bouquet is the tradition and essential element of Christian weddings.  You will find a grand assortment of red wedding bouquets here.

Wreath Bouquet:


If you are going for a more casual feel for your red roses, a wreath bouquet may be the way to go. Put simply, it is a bundle of red flowers gathered and hand tied with ribbon or burlap. The stems are left exposed so bouquet has a less formal, stiff feel overall.

Posy Bouquet:

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The bouquet just carried in one hand is called the posy bouquet. This bouquet is delicate and understand made with fresh flowers of red roses and often it is adorned with velvet trims and pearl pins. As this one you can see in the picture is made to get you to look your bridal best on your wedding day. Stunning cream lilies and red roses are brought together to create a perfect picture bouquet. Tied together with a soft silk red ribbon accented with mesh lace, this incredible styling culminates in a mesh lace at the end of the stems and some stones placed in the center of red roses.

Nosegay Bouquet:

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We have seen the major trend in last few years with bridal bouquets incorporating elements besides simply fresh flowers. Nosegay bouquets, which are typically smaller and able to be held in one hand, often, incorporate more leafy greenery and other natural elements with tightly wrapped stems. Stems might also be tucked into a metal holder called tussle-mussel.

Ballerina Bouquet:

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A girly bride with a penchant for princess-style pretty might find herself loving the ballerina bouquet. This bouquet has the addition of tulle all around it and usually fewer flowers than other bouquets. Sometimes people make this type of bouquet with artificial silk flowers and embellish with rhine stones, pearls and other jewels. Silk flowers travel well and they don’t require the same maintenance as living and fresh flower bouquets.

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