Ideas to decorate the wedding with normal things
The season of marriages are in the air because the season is very apt for wedding and the main thing which is compulsory for us the decoration of wedding halls because the decoration can tell your status if you are rich then the decoration of the hall is very expensive and if you are not financially good then you can use different cheap things to decorate it and we can convert these cheap things into the expensive things .There are many weddings which arrangement are not good and the guest are feeling uncomforted in the wedding hall, hotel and lawn where you arranged the functions .When you are arranging any functions then you have to divide the responsibility of the arrangement because if we give any on all responsibilities then he forgets and become tied . Wedding decoration should be I such form which is never forgot by the coming guest the arrangement of the marriage is as good as people will remember this wedding for long time and praise you arrangements. When people come in your wedding venue is after first they see the decoration way in your wedding party.
Different ways of decoration:
Old glasses which are mostly present in your houses and if you don’t have such glasses then you can buy these stand glass and then leave the flowers of different color in this glass and keep candle in this glass and when wedding starts lit the candle and keep it at every table of wedding hall and hotel it is very cheap but look expensive .Take full size glasses and paste glue on it and now apply the laces on these glasses and keep it near to the bridal sitting it look so nice when bridal will enter in the hall and all the lights are closed only these beautiful glass lamps are illuminated. Very little plastic lights which are not so expensive you can buy and tied it on the all the tress if your marriage party is in the open area like garden, lawn etc and when you lit the light in your night function with the greenery tree the hall look so enchanting. Not only jars you can use the paper as a chandeliers take a balloon blow it and paste the glue on it then cover the full balloon with the papers and newspaper then keep energy light in to the balloon and hang it on the tree. and Plastic pots which are usually use for freezing the ice in the fridge you can use it for your wedding decoration so keep the plastic box and fill it with water and keep the rose flowers it is not compulsory that only rose is used for decorating rather you can use any color flowers with the candles .Empty jars which are useless you can recycle these jars for decorating your wedding ceremony and make t expensive .Now a day the marriage ceremony is mostly organized in the open areas because the spring season is here the fresh and cool breeze effect us in good way then you can use this jars whether they are plastic or glass made you can lit it on the tress it look like chandeliers which are very cheap and make your wedding decoration lightening, if your function is in the houses and in any hall then you can use these jars for table and pour some pearls and jewels into the jars and it is up to you that which color of glitter you like you can pour the glitter for the sparkling effects. Take small plastic bags and keep them charging bulb in to in and this bags keep it the full way of the hall side and when you lit at night it look fabulous path. Ashtray is very inn now a day to keep on the center of the table you can use the stones and crystal for making a fancy and cheap ashtray and if you want to lit then keep the candles otherwise you can keep flowers of different beautiful colors.
decoration should be according to the time because for night functions bold and much lightening things are used whenever for the night functions you should go with something light and less lightning although you can use flowers and fragrance for enhance the beauty of your function and with very cheap things you can make your wedding remarkable.