Wedding Accessories for Bridal & Groom 2015

Fashion Accessories for bridal and groom

Marriage day is most significant and memorable for bride and groom and both want to make this exquisite and unforgotten.  They wear exclusive and exceptional wedding dresses with numerous unique and luxury accessories like a lot variety of jewelry items, clutches and dazzling feet wear etc. Today, I am going to share matchless and newest fashion accessories that are essential for bridal and groom to make their marriage day most outstanding and wondrous.

Here, are exclusive and newest bridals accessories like head band, tiara, shimmering comb, brooches, veil and bracelets and for groom cuff links, watches, flower boutonniere and waist belts. All accessories are glamorous and impressive. Have a great glance our matchless and authentic bridal and groom accessories that are really modernist and outstanding.

Stunning headband for bridals

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Headband or hair shimmering pins is latest and contemporary trend that increasing among bridal and modish girls day by day. In this picture, you are seeing four pictures of diverse vogues of headbands that you can keep on head in exclusive styles. These head jewelry is adorned with authentic pearls, stones and stones and also handmade flower. These stunning headbands furnish to bridal a glorious and charming glance.

Western bridal sash

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Sash is long ribbon or band that is adorned with sterling stones, authentic pearls or crystal and tie around the waist body. This is traditional jewelry for Western ladies that look astonishing and extraordinary magnificence. This ribbon sash is embellished with Swarovski crystals, cut pearls and stones.

Groom latest accessories

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Groom accessories are selected like cuff links, boutonniere, coat brooches, watches and belts. In this picture, you can see all items of groom accessories that make them glamorous and exceptional. You can select these accessories according your budget.

Boutonniere brooch for groom

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Boutonniere is unique and contemporary groom accessory that uses with pant coat on coat collar. Mostly flower boutonniere utilizes with pant coat but here we are bringing exclusive and exceptional metal brooch Boutonniere that adorned with sterling rhinestones.
Here, you are seeing dazzling and outstanding bridal and groom accessories that make them fantastic and alluring. A lot variety of wedding couple accessories is also included in the gallery images that is completely change from another.